Virtual field trips allow students to experience places via the Internet that they wouldn’t normally be able to visit due to distance or cost. There are two types of virtual field trips, asynchronous and synchronous. Asynchronous VFT’s are websites dedicated to a certain subject or a video tour of a specific location. These types of VFT’s are not interactive and do not happen in real time. Synchronous VFT’s, on the other hand, are interactive experiences and happen in real time. Students can learn from and interact with an educator that is an expert in the area/location they are visiting. These types of VFT’s usually have a fee involved and require high tech videoconferencing equipment that schools may or may not already own. The Center for Interactive Learning and Cooperation allows you to search for a particular topic of interest for VFT’s and provides teacher feedback on which one’s are rated the best.
1) What are the pros and cons of asynchronous VFT’s?
The pros of asynchronous VFT’s are that they do not require high tech videoconferencing equipment and typically do not cost anything. It is a way for students to virtually visit a place that they might not ever get the opportunity due to distance or cost involved. The con is that these types of VFT’s are not interactive. The students are not able to ask anyone at the location questions or learn more about the topic outside of what is already provided on the website or video tour. I think these types of field trips can add value to a lesson but may not be as interesting or engaging for the students.
2) What are the pros and cons of synchronous VFT’s?
Synchronous VFT’s provide students the opportunity to interact and engage with the educators at different locations who are experts in the topic they are learning about. This type of VFT is most like an actual field trip except that it is a virtual experience, which kids are becoming more and more familiar with. Synchronous VFT’s do typically cost a fee although it is ultimately cheaper than taking a whole class to an actual location. The biggest con of interactive VFT’s is that they require high tech and expensive videoconference equipment. With only 30% of schools in the US owning this type of equipment it is unlikely that your school will have one or the funds to purchase one. I think this type of VFT is a great alternative to traditional field trips. It allows students to gain knowledge and perspective outside the classroom where a traditional field trip is not possible.
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